but i digress- during this movie i happened to notice that in one of the scenes in the main hall, there was a tapestry style on one of the walls that i recently learned the name of: feuille de chou [cabbage leaf]. this was a copy of the "Captive Unicorn", a Flemish 15th century tapestry at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. feuille de chou tapestries usually depicted a dense tangling of green foliage with animals or mythological creatures among it.

"These tapestries are known as feuilles de choux or feuilles d'aristoloche although the name 'cabbage leaf verdure' is incorrect as they are usually meant to represent monumental acanthus or bearsbreech. Large leaf verdure tapestries introduced a three-dimensional and naturalistic appearance that was reinforced by the inclusion of naturalistic birds and occasionally mythological animals and rarely by human figures. The predominant vision was of untamed nature uninterrupted by man, an image at once fascinating and even possibly emblematic of an innocent, prelapsarian state, but also threatening because of its seemingly uncontrolled nature." - Christie's Auction House

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