skins footwear

a relatively new company that has rethought the traditional shoe by breaking it down into two components: the support section "Bone" and the collapsible and interchangeable "Skin" surrounding it that comes in different variations the consumer can by. that way the wearer can keep the fit and structure of the shoe without having to buy a whole pair for a different look. sounds ingenius and plain conceptually mind-blowing. check out the video for a flythrough of the whole concept.

skins footwear site
skin+bone: parallel between fashion and architecture

"Architects and fashion designers produce environments defined through spatial awareness—the structures they create are based on volume, function, proportion, and material. Presenting the work of international fashion designers and architects, the exhibition examines themes such as shelter, identity, tectonic strategies, creative process, and parallel stylistic tendencies including deconstruction and minimalism."
i visited this in january at MOCA in los angeles and even though the theme did highlight the interdisciplinary trend between fashion and architecture, it didn't seem to connect as well as i would like it to. the exhibit just didn't seem to visually mirror common techniques and concepts both fields used...rather it approached them individually. anyways, the exhibit was still impressive in bringing so many avantgarde designers' works under one roof. viktor and rolf's russian doll collection which built layers of clothing onto a model into a shelter-like cocoon, preston scott cohen's vision for the new Tel Aviv Museum of Art, issey miyake's Pleats Please collection...the list goes on.
SKIN + BONES Gallery Guide
live within skin

a living wall panel inhabited by plants and used as a biofilter for indoor environments by improving air quality and reducing energy use. while the idea isn't new, it looks cool and quite an untacky, user-friendly green installation.
greenmeme living walls
Hey, did you know that Skins Footwear actually sponsord an event for MOCA during the Skin and Bones exhibition? Check out the pictures at
I think it was pretty cool, at least picture wise...
That's true, here is a video of that event. I did not attend, but heard the shoes were beautiful. Check out the Skins at MOCA video on youtube:
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