while there are still a couple degrees of variation in the style of each restaurant, moto's design philosophy may sum up the underlying reason behind these characteristically modern and simple interiors that most of these restaurants appear to follow: "our minimalist decor - warm whites accented with chocolate and cinnamon - allows diners to focus on the main attraction: Chef Cantu's food." as a recent diner at the hotel fox kitchen , i agree that decor, however cool, should be at minimum to detract from food (the nearby neon pink and blue LED light screen projected on the wall admittedly made me feel sleepy and stuck in a perpetual dream world). i also agree that gastronomy can work: for one dish i was served roast venison on grilled [dehydrated?] corn with a side of cherry ice cream paired with an elderberry cocktail, which was surprisingly good. but my only qualm is how long a diner will continue going to such a kind of restaurant before the food loses its novelty. obviously the aforementioned have found a way to retain the businesses of their restaurants, but in places such as nyc, few gastronomic restaurants have yet to be accepted. also, that if one does not enjoy the food, then they might not get much out of the atmosphere that was created most purposefully to compliment the food. so i guess the question is, can you have the success of a restaurant rely completely on the food itself? i'll let you be the judge of that.

moto, chicago

the fat duck, london

alinea, chicago

paustian, copenhagen

the paul, copenhagen

fox kitchen, copenhagen
more on food experimentation, analyses, and gastronomy:
molecular gastronomy: the science behind cooking
hungry in hogtown: gastronomical reviews
drink science: make jellied jin and tonic
wild sweets: molecular gastronomy hits the chocolate scene